much of the artwork from africa is lost to us because


Answer 1

Much of the artwork from Africa is lost to us because of a variety of reasons, including the lack of written records, the ephemeral nature of certain materials used in the creation of the artwork, the effects of colonization, and the impact of Western art collectors on African art.

One reason why much of the artwork from Africa is lost to us is the lack of written records. Many of the cultures in Africa did not have a written language, so the only way to learn about their art is through oral tradition.

This means that much of the information about African art has been lost over time, as it was not recorded in a way that could be passed down through generations.

Another reason is the ephemeral nature of certain materials used in the creation of the artwork. For example, many sculptures and masks were made from wood, which can easily rot or be destroyed by insects.

Other materials used, such as raffia, feathers, or animal hides, are also subject to decay and may not survive for centuries.

The impact of colonization on African art also played a role in the loss of artwork. European colonizers often took African art back to Europe as a way of displaying their wealth and power.

This resulted in many pieces of artwork being removed from their original context, and in some cases, being lost or destroyed.

Finally, the impact of Western art collectors on African art has also contributed to the loss of artwork. Many collectors were primarily interested in acquiring pieces for their aesthetic value, rather than their cultural or historical significance.

This resulted in many pieces of African art being removed from their original context and sold to collectors, where they may no longer be accessible to the communities where they were originally created.

In summary, the loss of African artwork is due to a variety of factors, including the lack of written records, the ephemeral nature of certain materials, the impact of colonization, and the impact of Western art collectors.

To know more about artwork from Africa, refer to the link :


Related Questions

Systems theory became prominent in the ______ and began to challenge Western and individualistic notions. a. 70s and 80s. b. 90s and beyond. c. 20s and 30s. d. 50s and 60s


Systems theory became prominent in the d. 50s and 60s and began to challenge Western and individualistic notions.

When did systems theory become more prominent ?

It emerged as a multidisciplinary approach to understanding complex phenomena by examining the interrelationships and interactions among various components within a system.

Systems theory challenged Western and individualistic notions by emphasizing the interconnectedness and interdependence of elements within a system, rather than focusing solely on individual entities or linear cause-and-effect relationships.

Find out more on systems theory at


chris marker made films as part of a subset of the french new wave (whose filmmakers approached film as an extension of their interest in the traditional arts) called:


Chris Marker made films as part of a subset of the French New Wave called the Left Bank, whose filmmakers approached film as an extension of their interest in the traditional arts. Marker's passion for philosophical and artistic themes was a major influence on his films.
As a member of the Left Bank, a branch of the French New Wave, Chris Marker produced films. With a great desire for intellectual and creative investigation, this group of filmmakers regarded film as a continuation of their interest in traditional arts. The development of cinema and the art form as a whole were significantly influenced by their work.

To know more about French New Wave, Visit -


what is the official slogan for the 2018 winter olympics


The official slogan for the 2018 Winter Olympics, held in PyeongChang, South Korea, was "Passion. Connected."

This concise and impactful slogan encapsulated the essence of the games, highlighting the athletes' passion for their sports and the power of connection among nations. It represented the unifying spirit of the Olympic movement, emphasizing the shared values, aspirations, and achievements that bring people together. The slogan aimed to inspire athletes, spectators, and participants to forge connections, embrace their passions, and create lasting memories through the celebration of sport. It symbolized the unbreakable bond that sports create, transcending boundaries and fostering global understanding and harmony.

To know more about Winter Olympics, visit:


13.All of the following are true of the Lenox School of Jazz EXCEPT:a.It was located in western Massachusetts.b.It existed from 1957 to 1960.c.It was the first faculty convened exclusively to teach jazz.d.All the teachers were music historians.


The correct answer is:
d. All the teachers were music historians.

The Lenox School of Jazz was a renowned institution for jazz education, but it did not exclusively consist of music historians as teachers. The other options are true:
a. It was located in western Massachusetts.
b. It existed from 1957 to 1960.
c. It was the first faculty convened exclusively to teach jazz.

resolution of raster images is abbreviated with which letters


The resolution of raster images is abbreviated with the letters DPI, which stands for Dots Per Inch.

DPI is a measure of image resolution that determines how many individual dots, or pixels, are used to create an image within a linear inch. Higher DPI values correspond to greater detail and image quality. Raster images, also known as bitmap images, consist of a grid of pixels, each containing color information.

When working with raster images, it's essential to consider DPI because increasing an image's size may cause pixelation, resulting in a loss of quality.

This occurs because the image's pixels are spread across a larger area, leading to a lower DPI value. To maintain image quality, always work with images at their appropriate resolution and avoid resizing raster images beyond their original dimensions.

To know more about raster images refer here:


is a light-colored pigment used to prepare a surface to be painted on. Charcoal Colored pencil White-wash Calligraphy


Answer:c) white wash because it is like pre paint


Chorales were intended to be sung by a trained choir.


The given statement "Chorales were intended to be sung by a trained choir." is true because the chorale is a type of hymn that emerged during the Reformation in Germany and was closely associated with Martin Luther and the Lutheran church.

The text of the chorale was typically a German translation of a Latin hymn, and the music was often simple and repetitive to allow the congregation to easily learn and sing along. However, the harmonies and counterpoint in the chorale were often complex and required skilled singers to perform. As such, chorales were primarily sung by trained choirs rather than by the congregation.

In addition, the Lutheran church placed great emphasis on the importance of music in worship, and the choir was considered a vital part of the church's musical tradition. Today, chorales continue to be sung by choirs in churches and concert halls around the world, and their beautiful harmonies and rich history continue to inspire and uplift audiences.

To know more about chorales click here


This quote by Sergei Rachmaninoff --
"The new kind of music seems to
create not from the heart but from
the head. Its composers think rather
than feel" -- shows
A. that Rachmaninoff felt the works of modern
composers were too short.
B. that Rachmaninoff wrote his music by ear instead
of learning to read and write notes.
C. that even though a 20th Century composer,
Rachmaninoff's music had many Romantic


The quote by Sergei Rachmaninoff reveals his perspective on the state of music during his time. He suggests that modern composers were lacking in emotional depth and were more focused on technical aspects of music. This implies that Rachmaninoff valued the Romantic style of music, which emphasized emotional expression and individuality. Therefore, option C is the right choice.

Option A is incorrect because the quote does not mention anything about the length of modern compositions. Option B is also incorrect because Rachmaninoff was a highly trained musician who could read and write music notation.

Rachmaninoff's quote highlights the importance of emotional connection in music. He believed that music should come from the heart rather than the head, and that composers should strive to express their deepest feelings and emotions through their work.

This perspective is consistent with the Romantic era of music, which is known for its emphasis on emotional expression and individuality. Overall, Rachmaninoff's quote offers insight into his artistic values and the musical trends of his time.

The right answer is C. that even though a 20th Century composer,

Rachmaninoff's music had many Romantic


For more such question on Sergei Rachmaninoff


in addition to his compositions, thelonious monk was known as a


In addition to being a renowned composer and pianist, Thelonious Monk was also known for his unique and quirky personality. He was known for his distinctive sense of style, which included his trademark porkpie hat and sunglasses.

His mannerisms were also idiosyncratic, including his habit of abruptly stopping and starting his performances and his tendency to dance along to his own music.

Monk was known for being highly dedicated to his music and his craft. He was often described as a perfectionist, and he would spend countless hours practicing and refining his compositions. He was also known for being highly innovative and experimental, and his music pushed the boundaries of traditional jazz forms.

Despite his success as a musician, Monk faced significant challenges and discrimination throughout his career. He struggled with mental illness and was often misunderstood and underappreciated by critics and audiences. However, his unique contributions to jazz music have earned him a lasting legacy as one of the most influential and important figures in the genre.

Know more about  jazz here:


Which innovative composer first explored tone clusters at the piano?
a. Aaron Copland
b. Harry Partch
c. Henry Cowell
d. John Cage


Henry Cowell was the innovative composer who first explored tone clusters at the piano. Hence, the correct option is C.

Cowell, an American composer and music theorist, is known for his experimental and avant-garde approaches to music. In the early 20th century, Cowell developed a technique called "tone clusters," which involved playing a group of adjacent or closely spaced notes simultaneously on the piano. This created dense and dissonant harmonies, pushing the boundaries of traditional piano playing and expanding the expressive possibilities of the instrument. Cowell's exploration of tone clusters had a significant influence on later composers, and his innovative techniques contributed to the development of new musical styles and approaches in the 20th century.

To learn more about Henry Cowell, click here:


according to professor tilson’s lecture on rome, the nolli map is a good example of


According to Professor Tilson's lecture on Rome, the Nolli Map is a good example of cartographic representation of urban space and architecture.

The Nolli Map, created by Italian architect Giovanni Battista Nolli in the 18th century, is a highly detailed map of Rome that depicts the city's layout, streets, buildings, and public spaces. What sets the Nolli Map apart is its innovative approach to representing urban space. Unlike traditional maps that only showed streets and outlines of buildings, the Nolli Map introduced the concept of including interior spaces of buildings, such as courtyards and gardens, within the map's boundaries. This allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of the city's urban fabric and architectural elements. The Nolli Map is a valuable resource for urban planners, architects, and historians studying Rome, as it provides a unique insight into the city's structure, urban design, and spatial relationships.

learn more about "architecture":-


Can anyone help me! I am stuck! You will get +10 pts!

Find one example of figurative language in the following paragraph. Type the example you found in the paragraph box.

Which way? Which way? Mary stood as still as a deer in the wide, dark field of tall grasses. She was too frightened to cry, too panicked to move. The hills and trees became her enemies now, laughing at her confusion.



Mary stood as still as a deer


this is an example if a simile.

laughing at her confusion is a personification because trees and hills can’t laugh

which describes the rhythm played in the right hand? group of answer choices nonmetric steady homophonic syncopated


Syncopated describes the rhythm played in the right hand. The right answer is d.

Your secret doorway into the realm of complicated, complex rhythms that instantly give the music they're underpinning a spark of excitement is music syncopation. Since its beginnings, musicians from almost every genre have dipped a toe into the syncopation pool, realising that when you mess with the beat of a song, amazing things happen.

This indicates that the right hand emphasised notes that did not fall on the beat while the left hand played a simple march pattern. The strong downbeat is frequently skipped in syncopated rhythmic patterns, which instead emphasise an unexpected aspect of the beat. Weak beats frequently grow "strong" while strong beats become less prominent.

The correct answer is option d.

Know more about Syncopated here


The question seems incomplete. The complete question is:

Which describes the rhythm played in the right hand? group of answer choices

a. nonmetric

b. steady

c. homophonic

d. syncopated

Enumerate the three importance of enhancing or decorating finished products.​
please answer thank you


Enhancing or decorating finished products is important for several reasons:

1. Aesthetic appeal: Enhancing or decorating finished products can make them more visually appealing and attractive to consumers. This can help to increase sales and improve brand recognition. A product that looks good is often perceived to be of higher quality, which can also boost its perceived value.

2. Differentiation: In today's competitive marketplace, it's important for products to stand out from the competition. Enhancing or decorating finished products can help to differentiate them from similar products, making them more memorable and easier to recognize.

3. Personalization: Enhancing or decorating finished products can also help to personalize them for individual customers or markets. For example, a product may be decorated with a specific color scheme or design that appeals to a particular culture or demographic. This can help to build brand loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.

assume that players a and b (team 1) are playing against players x and y (team 2) in doubles. assume that player a begins by serving to player x. which option describes the first four serve pairings in sequential order? a. a serves twice to x, then x serves twice to a, then b serves twice to y, then y serves twice to b. b. a serves once to x, then a serves once to y, then y serves once to a, then y serves once to b c. a serves twice to x, then y serves twice to b, then b serves twice to y, then x serves twice to a. d. a serves twice to x, then x serves twice to a, then y serves twice to b, then b serves twice to y. e. none of the above.


The correct option describing the first four serve pairings in sequential order is option D. According to the rules of doubles in tennis, player A starts the game by serving to player X. After the first serve, the serve will alternate between teams until the end of the game. Therefore, the first four serve pairings will be as follows:

1. A serves twice to X
2. X serves twice to A
3. Y serves twice to B
4. B serves twice to Y

Option A is incorrect because it suggests that A serves twice to X, then X serves twice to A, then B serves twice to Y, and Y serves twice to B. This is incorrect as the serve must alternate between teams.

Option B is also incorrect because it suggests that A serves once to X, then A serves once to Y, then Y serves once to A, and then Y serves once to B. This is incorrect because after the first serve, the serve alternates between teams, not between players. Option C is incorrect because it suggests that A serves twice to X, then Y serves twice to B, then B serves twice to Y, and then X serves twice to A. This is incorrect as the serve must alternate between teams.

Therefore, the correct option is D, where A serves twice to X, then X serves twice to A, then Y serves twice to B, and then B serves twice to Y.

To know more about player visit:-


If your topic involves a procedure, a demonstration can work much better than a photograph or illustration. What is a procedure?
a map
a diagram
a description of how to do something
a comparison


If your topic involves a procedure, a demonstration can work much better than a photograph or illustration. A description of how to do something is a procedure. Thus, option (c) is correct.

Procedures are technical papers that help people navigate certain actions or processes. When discussing a method, a demonstration is preferable than an image or illustration because it allows the listener to witness the steps being performed in real time.

Because they give a visual and participatory experience, demonstrations can be more effective in helping individuals comprehend how to accomplish a task.

As a result, the significance of the description of how to do something is a procedure are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about to procedure, here:


the composer pictured above, an international artist of hungarian heritage, decided to become a technical wizard at the keyboard after hearing paganini playing the violin. what is his name?


Answer: Listz


which jewish biblical subject was used by christian artists to symbolize christian refusal to worship the roman emperor? group of answer choices jonah and the whale noah and the flood good shepherd three hebrews in the fiery furnace


The biblical subject that was used by Christian artists to symbolize Christian refusal to worship the Roman emperor was the "three Hebrews in the fiery furnace."

This story from the book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible tells of three Jewish men who refused to worship the golden image of the Babylonian king and were thrown into a fiery furnace but miraculously survived. This story became a powerful symbol of Christian resistance to Roman imperial demands for religious conformity and loyalty. The Jewish biblical subject used by Christian artists to symbolize Christian refusal to worship the Roman emperor is the "Three Hebrews in the Fiery Furnace." This story represents faithfulness to God and resistance to idolatry, which parallels the refusal to worship the Roman emperor.

To know more about Roman emperor, visit:


number of movies released in united states in first 5 months of 2017 was 164. to determine: number of movies that would be released in united states in year 2017 at the above rate.


The number of movies released in the entire year 2017 would be 164*12=1976 movies.

At the rate of 164 movies released in the first 5 months of 2017, the number of movies that would be released in the United States in the entire year 2017 can be estimated.

To estimate the number of movies, one can use the formula of rate multiplied by time. The rate in this case is 164 movies released in the first 5 months, and the time is 12 months. Thus, the number of movies released in the entire year 2017 would be 164*12=1976 movies.

The rate of 164 movies per 5 months is an average rate. It may be higher or lower in the remaining months. The formula used is a rough estimate of the total number of movies released in the US in 2017. The actual number may be higher or lower due to several factors such as production delays, budget issues, and other unforeseen factors. This calculation is just an estimate and can be used as a guide to understand the general trend in the movie industry.

Know more about average rate here



I believe the answer is 393.6 or 394


This is the answer because the rate of movies released in 2017 is 164 movies every 5 months. To find the number of movies found in a year, you will first find the number of movies in one month. So 164 divided by 5 is 32.8. If 32.8 movies were released in one month, and a year is 12 months, you would simply multiply 32.8 by 12 which gives you 393.6 or 394.

Hope this helps :)

32) ____ are favored when the customer needs to take time to make high-involvement decisions. a. Cool colors. b. Scent appeals. c. Warm colors.


Cool colors are favored when the customer needs to take time to make high-involvement decisions. The right answer is a.

The degree of participation reveals how personally significant or engaged you are in using an item and how much knowledge you require to make a choice. From very routine choices to those that demand careful consideration and a high level of involvement, the amount of involvement in purchasing decisions can be viewed of as a continuum.

High levels of engagement and attachment to a product among consumers are generally reflected in their decision-making processes. These products may be pricey, carry a high risk for the buyer, and necessitate some research or comparative shopping.

The correct answer is option a.

Know more about decision making here


in addition to film scores, john williams has written music for the olympics and:


In addition to film scores, John Williams has written music for the Olympics and various other notable events and ceremonies. Williams has also been involved in composing and conducting music for multiple U.S. presidential inaugurations.

The official theme for the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California, was written by John Williams. The "Olympic Fanfare and Theme" composition was played at the games' opening and closing ceremonies. Beyond film soundtracks, John Williams has produced music for a wide range of occasions, ceremonies, and concerts that have had a profound influence on the music industry.

Learn more about John Williams here:


when playing defense, you should always watch your player and not worry too much about where the ball is.


The given statement "when playing defense, you should always watch your player and not worry too much about where the ball is." is false as a player should be aware of both the things.

In order to execute a successful defensive strategy, you must strike a balance between closely tracking your opponent and monitoring the path of the ball on the field. You can predict your opponent's next move and stop them from making a play by keeping a close eye on them.

To position yourself effectively and make a play on the ball if necessary you must also be aware of where the ball is and how other players are moving around the field. In any case the best course of action is to heed your coach's instructions and work as a team to develop an effective defensive strategy.

The question is incomplete, complete question will be "when playing defense, you should always watch your player and not worry too much about where the ball is. T/F"

Learn more about defensive strategy at:


The Chinese interest in landscape painting was most strongly influenced by which of the following?
a Daoist harmony with nature and poetic themes b Confucius's dictum that an appreciation of nature was the basis for human society c Buddhist concern with dharma d The Buddhist concept of nirvana



I believe the answer is (A) Daoist harmony with nature and poetic themes


Daoist harmony with nature and poetic themes was the main influence on the Chinese interest in landscape painting.

Hope this helps :)

The Chinese interest in landscape painting was most strongly influenced by a Daoist harmony with nature and poetic themes.

Daoism, with its emphasis on living in harmony with nature and the pursuit of balance and tranquility, had a significant influence on Chinese landscape painting. Daoist philosophy emphasized the interconnectedness of humanity and nature, viewing nature as a source of inspiration and spiritual nourishment. This perspective shaped the artistic approach to landscape painting, which aimed to capture the essence and spirit of the natural world.

Landscape paintings in China often conveyed a sense of awe, serenity, and reverence for nature, reflecting Daoist principles. The depiction of mountains, rivers, trees, and other natural elements served as symbols of the eternal and the transcendent. Poetic themes were also prevalent in landscape paintings, with inscriptions and calligraphy often accompanying the artwork, adding depth and contemplative qualities to the visual representation.

While Buddhism and Confucianism also influenced Chinese culture and art, it was Daoist philosophy that had the most profound impact on shaping the Chinese interest in landscape painting.

learn more about "painting":-


true or false: the libretto contains the story of a musical.








The course of Brahms's artistic and personal life was shaped by the influence of a. Antonin Dvořák b. Robert Schumann and his wife Clarac. Franz Liszt d. Richard Wagner


Brahms's artistic and personal life was greatly influenced by the German composer Robert Schumann and his wife Clara. Brahms first met Robert Schumann in 1853 and the two became close friends. The correct answer is option- b.

Schumann recognized Brahms's talent and declared him as the "chosen one" to carry on the great tradition of German music. Brahms also became close to Schumann's wife, Clara, who was a renowned pianist and composer. Brahms often consulted with Clara on his compositions and they maintained a close friendship for the rest of their lives.

Additionally, Brahms was greatly influenced by the music of Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner, although he maintained a respectful distance from the controversial Wagner. Antonin Dvořák, a Czech composer, was also a contemporary of Brahms and the two shared a mutual respect for each other's music.

Overall, the course of Brahms's artistic and personal life was greatly shaped by the influence of Robert and Clara Schumann, as well as his admiration for Liszt and Wagner.

Therefore, the correct answer is option- b.

For more question on composer


who emerged as the front woman of the supremes and eventually built a solo career as a singer and actress?



I believe the answer is "Diana Ross"


Diana Ross emerged as the front woman of the Supremes and later left to build a solo career as a singer and actress. She continued her success by reaching #1 with “Ain't No Mountain High Enough.” Following that, she had three other tracks reach #1 in the '70s as she was also branching out and acting.

Hope this helps :)

The Inmost Cave mentioned in the heroic monomyth is an allegory for the hero overcoming their personal flaws that limited them during the journey.




The Inmost Cave mentioned in the heroic monomyth is not an allegory for the hero overcoming their personal flaws that limited them during the journey. TRUE

This stage of the journey is significant because it marks a turning point for the hero, where they must confront their internal and external conflicts in order to achieve their ultimate goal.

It is not necessarily about overcoming personal flaws, but rather about overcoming obstacles and challenges that have been preventing the hero from achieving their goal.
In fact, the hero's personal flaws are often highlighted and challenged throughout the entire journey, not just in the Inmost Cave stage.

It is through facing these flaws and challenges that the hero is able to grow and evolve as a character, ultimately leading to their success in the journey.
Therefore, while the Inmost Cave is a critical stage in the hero's journey, it is not solely an allegory for the hero's personal flaws.

Rather, it is a crucial moment where the hero must confront their greatest challenge and overcome it in order to achieve their ultimate goal.

For more questions on heroic monomyth


which of these is not a way in which individuals interact with their environment? our personalities shape how we interpret and react to events. our personalities help create situations to which we react. different people choose different environments. big five personality traits lead to consistency in our specific behaviors from one situation to the next



Big five personality traits lead to consistency in our specific behaviors from one situation to the next.

aristotle’s list of 6 components of a tragedy is not really respected or used today.


Aristotle's list of six components of a tragedy, as outlined in his work "Poetics," is not as strictly adhered to in modern times as it once was.

While some aspects of his theory, such as the idea of the tragic hero and the importance of catharsis, are still present in many tragic works, contemporary writers and audiences often diverge from Aristotle's specific guidelines. For example, the concept of the unity of time, place, and action - which suggests that a tragedy should take place in a compressed time period and in a single location - is no longer strictly followed.

Additionally, the idea of a character's fate being predetermined by the gods is not as commonly seen in modern tragedies. Instead, many contemporary works feature more complex and nuanced characters who are driven by their own choices and motivations, rather than being mere puppets of fate or the gods.

Overall, while Aristotle's ideas still influence the creation and interpretation of tragic works, modern audiences and creators have moved beyond his strict guidelines to create works that are more varied and diverse.

For more question on tragedy


Read the excerpt from the interview with E.Y. (Yip) Harburg.
When I lost my possessions, I found my creativity. I felt I was being born for the first time. So for me the world became beautiful.
With the Crash, I realized that the greatest fantasy of all was business. The only realistic way of making a living was versifying. Living off your imagination.
Based on the excerpt, which best describes Harburg's view of the Great Depression?
He has no interest in financial success for himself.
He values artistic success over financial success for himself.
He believes most people benefited from losing their financial stability.
He regrets the fact that he gave away his money to benefit his art.
He values artistic success over financial success for himself.


Based on the excerpt, it is clear that E.Y. (Yip) Harburg values artistic success over financial success for himself. He states that he felt "being born for the first time" when he lost his possessions, and that the world became beautiful to him. He also describes his realization that the greatest fantasy of all was business, and that the only realistic way of making a living was versifying, or living off his imagination.

These statements suggest that Harburg placed a high value on his creativity and artistic pursuits, and that he was willing to forego financial success in order to pursue his passions. He did not seem to be interested in financial success for himself, but rather in using his imagination to create art and bring beauty into the world.

Overall, the excerpt suggests that Harburg had a positive view of the Great Depression, and saw it as an opportunity for personal growth and artistic expression. He did not appear to be motivated by financial success, but rather by a desire to create and contribute to the world through his art.  

Learn more about  Harburg values artistic ,


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How long will it take to fill the tank completely? 3) how much energy is released or absorbed when 40.0 g of steam at 250.0 c is converted to water at 30.0 c? of water 4.18 j/gc hfus of water is 333 j/g. of steam 2.03 j/gc hvap of water is 2260 j/g a) -24.0 kj b) -23.0 kj c) -32.9 kj d) -114 kj e) -122 kj Que tipo de relacion simbiotica tienen los osos pandas an insured's life insurance policy includes an automatic premium loan provision, which he uses three years after he buys his policy. what will happen if he never repays it? how do you create a one-to-many relationship in a database system? which of the following is a capital expenditure? which of the following is a capital expenditure? sales tax paid in conjunction with the purchase of office equipment monthly fuel costs for a truck owned by the company monthly rent of a delivery truck small expenditures to acquire long-lived assets, such as $13 to purchase a wastebasket Calculate the energy, in joules, required to excite a hydrogen atom by causing an electronic transition from the n = 1 to the n = 4 principal energy level. Recall that the energy levels of the H atom are given by E_n = -2.18 times 10^-18 J(l/n^2) A building acquired at the beginning of the year at a cost of $84,400 has an estimated residual value of $4,200 and an estimated useful life of four years. Determine the following.(a)The double-declining-balance rate%(b)The double-declining-balance depreciation for the first year$ 1. - Lee con atencin: "LA MUJER Y LA GALLINA" y luego precisa EL NIVEL LITERAL, EL NIVEL INFERENCIAL Y EL NIVEL CRTICO. (V. 4 ptos. ). a. - NIVELLITERAL: LA MUJER Y LA GALLINA Una mujer viuda tena una gallina que le pona un huevo todos los das. Pens que si le daba ms cebada pondra dos huevos, y aument su racin. Pero la gallina engord y ya no pudo ni poner ni una vez al da. Nivel literal: b. - NIVEL INFERENCIAL: LA MUJER Y LA GALLINA Una mujer viuda tena una gallina que le pona un huevo todos los das. Pens que si le daba ms cebada pondra dos huevos, y aument su racin. Pero la gallina engord y ya no pudo ni poner ni una vez al da. Nivel inferencial:c. - NIVEL CRTICO VALORATIVO: LA MUJER Y LA GALLINA Una mujer viuda tena una gallina que le pona un huevo todos los das. Pens que si le daba ms cebada pondra dos huevos, y aument su racin. Pero la gallina engord y ya no pudo ni poner ni una vez al da. Nivel Crtico valorativo:2. - Explica cada una de las siguientes connotaciones. (V. 3 ptos. )1. - Angel se vuelve loco cuando entra en una tienda de zapatillas. 2. - Cuando su novia le dej se le rompi el corazn en mil pedazos. 3. - Tiene un corazn de oro. 4. - Haca tanto fro en aquella habitacin que a Carla se le puso la carne de gallina. 6. - Se pas horas mirando a su cara de melocotn. 7. - Le roz durante un segundo con su mano de hielo. 8. - Su mirada penetrante le dej petrificado en aquella calle oscura. 9. - Ha dicho que le odia con el ardor de mil soles. 10. - Sus hermanos se llevan como el perro y el gato. 11. - Su mujer es un ser de luz. 12. - Cristina y Alba son como dos gotas de agua3. - Observa la siguiente ilustracin y redacta un texto (3 Prrafos 4 lneas C/U) DENOTATIVO. (V. 4 ptos. ) 4. - Observa la siguiente ilustracin y redacta un texto(3 prrafos de 4 lneas C/U. ) CONOTATIVO. (V. 4 ptos. ) 5. - Lee con atencin:a. - "LA HISTORIA DEL HOMBRE LEOPARDO". RESPONDE:a. 1. - Describe el aspecto emocional del hombre leopardo. (V. 1 pto. )a. 2. - Relata la participacin de los siguientes personajes: (V. 1 pto. )*AUGUSTUS:*WALLACE:*RED DINNY:*DE VILLE:b. - "LOS LADRONES QUE NO PODIAN DEJAR DE ESTORNUDAR". RESPONDE: b. 1. - Explica la relacin del ttulo con el relato. (V. 1 pto. ) b. 2. - Qu significa brida en este cuento? (V. 1 pto. ) The sum of the ages of Annabel and hersister Laurie is 34. Eight years ago, Annabel's age was half of Laurie's age.Find their ages now Clearwater Electronics is implementing a new human resource information system (HRIS). Which of the following statements best explains how the system will benefit recruiting?A)Because the recruitment process requires a lot of data, the HRIS system can more easily coordinate the data and then simulate organizational changes to ascertain future staffing needs.B)Because the recruitment process gathers confidential information, it will be better for the data to be stored in the HRIS system where it is more secure.C)Because the recruitment process involves a variety of recruiting methods, the HRIS system will help recruiters determine which method brings in the right types of applicants.D)Because the recruitment process can be very costly, the HRIS system will help recruiters gather data in a less expensive manner. Please help me in computer mcqs i give 50 points A) Hard disk is a ______ storage device A volatile B permanentC primary D none of theseSecondary memory, transfer information toA)ALU B) when memory unitC) muD) clu of those who suffer from id, which category represents their highest frequency of work settings? A(n) _____ graphically documents a use case by showing the classes, the messages, and the timing of the messages.a. scatter diagramb. data flow diagramc. sequence diagramd. state transition diagram "Why don't people's hearts tell them to continue to follow their dreams?" the boyasked the alchemist."Because that's what makes a heart suffer most, and hearts don't like to suffer."From then on, the boy understood his heart. He asked it, please, never to stop speaking to himHe asked that, when he wandered far from his dreams, his heart press him and sound the alarm. The boy swore that, every time he heard the alarm, he would heed its message.That night, he told all of this to the alchemist. And the alchemist understood that theboy's heart had returned to the Soul of the World."So what should I do now?" the boy asked."Continue in the direction of the Pyramids," said the alchemist. "And continue to pay heed to the omens. Your heart is still capable of showing you where the treasure is.""Is that the one thing I still needed to know?""No." the alchemist answered. "What you still need to know is this: before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this not because it is evil, but so that we can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we've learned as we've moved toward that dream. That's the point at which most people give upIt's the point at which, as we say in the language of the desert, one 'dies of thirst just when the palm trees have appeared on the horizon. "Every search begins with beginner's luck. And every search ends with the victor's being severely tested."The boy remembered an old proverb from his country. It said that the darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn.Question 3 (1 point)Which quote from the text echoes the Alchemist's lesson: "one 'dies of thirst just when the palm trees have appeared on the horizon" (ELA.9.R.1.1)Because that's what makes a heart suffer most, and hearts don't like to suffer""It said that the darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn."Your heart is still capable of showing you where the treasure is" "[We] can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we've learned[We] can in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons weve learned as we've moved toward that dream." ANSWER QUICK PLSSSSSSSS True or False? a series-parallel circuit is a combination of both series and parallel paths.